Walmart TechMod
Partnering with Walmart for
Technology Modernization process.
Role: Creative Director
Engaging early stage to give a client suggestions
Start from branding to applying it to many other applications such as web portals to marketing materials
Walmart is a multinational retailing corporation. They are still one of the biggest corporates but, they are getting challenged by many other companies like Amazon. To stay strong in this high-tech era, they wanted to shift gears toward the most advanced technology group in the world. TechMod is the name of the group where is leading the movement. We helped them to start rolling the big gear.
The Logo
There are five principles they have as core values.
Discover, Qualify, Solution, Fund, Monitor
Also, they are positioning themselves as a core gear of the new Walmart engine. With the main concept of their identity, I wanted to create something radical and progressive.
This is their logo, and 5 'T' from Technology creates a gear symbol, and different colors represent five different principles. Treat those visual elements as a modular system. I made a sub-branding for their sub-organizations. Also, I wanted to make sure it goes well with their original branding.
The name of the campaign was 'Shake it off'
To represent shake it off from the old technology and heading towards a new vision, I created 'O' shape with the concept of the digitalized pixel, making the shape representing the bright future of Walmart.
The language of digitalized 'O' was able to spread out entire marketing materials related to the campaign.
With the brand language, we created their TechMod site with better user experiences and helpful features.

It got translated into email templates or banner designs too.